Making Life Work
Making Life Work is so relevant for today. Recorded in 2020, it provides the best tools to support you through life and all of it's upheavals. Don't go it alone. Be supported through change and uncertainty - grow, learn, heal and overcome. Emerge stronger and more in tune with yourself and others.
Be the change you want to see in the world.
The keys to unlock your full potential, gain emotional freedom and heal your past. Jam packed with techniques and "life hacks" to totally transform the way you do life.
Written, presented and produced by Tracey-Leigh Davey Leading Counsellor, Author, Speaker and Business Owner

Inspired by Tracey-Leigh's Sell-Out 2 day event, Going Deeper, Making Life Work is an online program that supports participants to heal all aspects of their life and takes transformational self-help and personal growth to a whole new level.
Tracey-Leigh is a highly experienced counsellor, speaker and group facilitator known for creating break-through life changes that bring emotional freedom and healing from the past. She brings over 22 years of hands on knowledge and experience working up close and personal with thousands of people. She is warm genuine and unique in her approach. Don't miss this opportunity to experience what she brings to the table. It will change your life.
What will you get from this program?
* A leading specialist counsellor personally guiding you through a process that is as close to personal counselling as an online course can be. Delivered in highly relatable fortnightly modules, this course walks you through a process of self exploration to identify core issues and blocks to your own happiness and teaches you techniques to manage those issues, control your thoughts and emotions and heal past hurts. It will both challenge and support you to go deeper and get to know and love the real you and discover how you can step forwards with self-assuredness into a happier tomorrow.
* Thorough explanations, relatable real life stories and examples.
* Practical exercises and activities through worksheets, implementation assignments and therapeutic exercises to complete during each module's presentation to support you to integrate the practices and create lasting change.
* Teaching and practice in a range of therapeutic techniques that provide healing, build awareness, improve self understanding, increase confidence, build deeper connections and support you to reduce and work through negative emotions including fear, anxiety, sadness, pain & heartbreak, grief & loss, anger, frustration, self-doubt, disappointment and much more.
* The tools to break old patterns of behaviour that keep you trapped and discover how to evaluate and think clearly through challenging circumstances and those sore spots and triggers that we all have that lead to those unhelpful behaviours.
* Learn effective ways to identify and express your needs and emotions and to set and practice maintaining healthy boundaries with others and communicating all of this in effective, non-triggering ways
* Identify what holds you back, break free of damaging patterns and beliefs and resolve emotional baggage including trauma, abuse, anxiety and fear - resulting in healing, freedom and increased happiness.
* Discover how to eliminates stressors and resolve persistent issues in your day to day life using both therapeutic techniques and simple mindset shifts that remove your own resistance and need to "be right".
* Learn to use a simple therapeutic technique that can reduce life style debilitating issues including phobias, addictions, stress, depression and more.
* All the tools you need to truly impact your life and cement real life change
* A full 6 month program of fortnightly modules that demonstrate the concepts and techniques and walk you through them step by step at a pace that is realistic and highly effective.
* Work at your own pace or follow Tracey-Leigh's recommended time frame of fortnightly modules. (Or weekly but only if you have enough time available and the commitment to it.)
* Ongoing access to the program once completed, so you can revisit any of the modules at any time.
Making Life Work offers you absolutely everything that is humanly possible within the context of an online guided self-counselling program. This course will show you what is truly possible as you transform your thoughts and emotions and consequently - Your Life!
The full 6 month program retails at
LIMITED TIME - Special Offer
get it for just $698
Call now on (03) 9707 3009
or(0401) 300 635
or complete the contact form and one of our team will contact you
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"It's like piecing together a jigsaw puzzle. It starts off hard and you can't see the how it's all going to come together, but as the weeks progress, and you join more and more pieces together, you begin to see the big picture coming into view, and you can feel the changes taking form within. It's an amazing experience to feel your whole life and emotional state improving more and more every week. Your whole understanding of life, yourself and the people around you shifts in a way that totally frees you to be more and more yourself - and to feel so good about that person... ME, all the time." Course Participant, 2020
How do I know if it's RIGHT for me?
This program is for genuine people who want to master their own lives and permanently improve their emotional and mental state, their well being and their relationships - the most important one of all being their relationship with the self. It requires commitment. Although it's consumed at a pace that is highly workable to integrate into most busy lifestyles, you will need to dedicate some of your time, focus and energy and you absolutely must see it through to the end in order to get the very best outcome. This program is for those who are able and willing to do the work and reap the rewards of it - of which there will be an abundance.
You must be able to be challenged and be prepared to truly face yourself. Although Tracey-Leigh is highly relatable and she herself models the vulnerability required to face oneself during the course of the program, which makes it much easier to be real with yourself - she also doesn't hold back in confronting and calling out people on their own crap - and even online, it's hard to escape feeling like she is speaking directly and personally to you - which is what makes it such high impact and so deeply life changing. She will see through you - even online - so be prepared! Because she knows - she just knows!
The program also can work well as an accompaniment to personal one on one or couples therapy by enhancing and accelarating the process.
Who this course is NOT for?
This program is not for those chasing the latest fad or trend and it is not for those looking for a one hour fix or miracle answer. It is not for those who do not like to be challenged and look within or do the work themselves and are looking for someone to "fix them". Tracey-Leigh will teach you how but if you don't do the inner work to implement, nothing will change for you. This program is not for the frivolous or uncommitted, nor is it for self-help junkies - although, having said that, if you are one - and you complete the course, it may well cure you of that!
It also may not be for you if you are currently suffering acute trauma or mental health issues or are in an extremely vulnerable or fragile state - unless you also can access or already have a one on one therapist that you can turn to should something come up for you that you need extra support with. In such cases, you may wish to discuss this with your doctor or counsellor prior to beginning the course. (Also see below question).
What if something comes up for me and I need to talk to someone one on one?
The counselling and coaching team at More Than Mediocre are available should you wish to book a one on one online video counselling session, buy TapTime or attend in person at our offices if you are within travelling distance of us. Should you require extra assistance with anything that comes up during the course, please feel free to contact us and book a session with one of Tracey-Leigh's team, who are extremely well trained in the techniques she teaches and in supporting clients through their process, including trauma, mental health support and whatever else that may cause you to seek assistance. Alternately, you could look for a professional counsellor local to you for the support you need. Should you wish to discuss your options, you are welcome to call us on 61 3 9707 3009 or 61 401 300 635 and we will be happy to assist you.
What if I just have a question about something and want clarification?
Just call or email us :-)
How much time will I need to dedicate to doing the program?
The time commitment to view each module and complete the exercises within it is 1-2 hours. The Implementation Assignments may also need a small amount of time or may just be something you need to think about or jot down notes on over the next fortnight, which you can do concurrently with your every day life, just thinking while driving or practicing a new awareness or technique, much like you would if you were attending face to face counselling.
Who is Tracey-Leigh and what is her background? Will I like her and can I trust her?
Tracey-Leigh is a highly knowledgeable and articulate expert on relationships, human process and behaviour and she is also warm, genuine, down to earth and highly relatable, (with a quirky sense of humor!) She speaks in intelligent yet simple terms that anyone can relate to, whilst also being on point, confronting and challenging. She has worked with well over 2000 people, many long term, in one on one, couples and family sessions over a career spanning more than 22 years - not to mention those she's worked with in group and community settings.
As a woman, Tracey-Leigh is a Wife, Mother, Nan, Step-mum and Friend. She is also an ex-wife, daughter, sister and step-daughter and she uses her life experience to enhance your experience and is surprisingly frank and open. Tracey-Leigh is full of passion and has a great love of life and people. Coming from a confusing and traumatic childhood upbringing which saw her out of home at the age of 16, she has experienced many struggles and heartbreaks in her own life. However, her own journey of self growth, clarity, healing and helping others to heal, has brought her to this place where now she is able to open her heart and soul and share her story and her rich knowledge in a uniquely raw, honest and powerful way that imparts truth, wisdom and healing for others.
Tracey-Leigh Davey is a very experienced qualified counsellor and manager. She is also an author, speaker and business woman who has built and run her own successful practice since 2007. She provides training and professional supervision to her counselling and coaching team of three and also runs group events and online programs.
Her years in the counselling and community sector prior to private practice included residential drug and alcohol rehabilitation, counselling and treatment, outreach and community integration programs, counselling and therapy groups. She has also worked in family services and was the Founder and President of a counselling and community service charity, as well as serving on the direction committee for an outreach and drop-in centre for which she also provided counselling and group program material, professional advice and consultation.
What can you tell me about how it's presented ? What sort of techniques are used? Will it be easy to understand and follow?
Making Life Work is a compilation of the best strategies and techniques that Tracey-Leigh has discovered, learned and practiced with well over 2000 people and it contains only the methods that she has found to be the MOST EFFECTIVE for creating MASSIVE POSITIVE life change for the HIGHEST NUMBER of people. These are the techniques that stimulate emotional healing and clarity, and create positive mind shifts that free people up to be their best self and experience more ease, peace, joy, connection and contentment themselves, their lives and their relationships - regardless of circumstances.
Tracey-Leigh is easy to listen to and has a way with words. She honest and open and is able to explain complex ideas in easy to understand language, often using parables and real life stories and examples that are easily identified with so that participants can observe and hear how the concepts and techniques are applied and can then do the same in their own life. Tracey-Leigh also knows people - and she knows them well. So she delivers the content to suit a range of learning styles in easily applicable ways that she knows work.
In each module you will be greeted by Tracey-Leigh face to face (on your screen) as she chats with you about the topic at hand and shares the application and her own personal experience of learning, growth and implementation. The modules also contain content filmed at Tracey-Leigh's live events and other footage to assist with demonstrating the more experiential aspects of the program. The modules are found on a portal online that you will be given access to and they are accompanied by PDF Worksheets for use during the modules and for the Implementation Assignment. Anything else needed for implemention, is also posted on the portal with the Module for super easy access.
Some of the modalities and techniques that are used or have influenced Tracey-Leigh's eclectic style include Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT), Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP), Mindfulness, Guided Meditation, Tracey-Leigh's own Time Release Technique, Energy Awareness, Reality and Gestalt Therapy and Though Field Therapy (TFT or Tapping).